Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Home Remedy for Yeast Infection

Many women are afflicted by yeast infections. According to statistics, about 25% of the female population is affected at some point or another. Normally, there is yeast present on our skin cells. In certain circumstances, the yeast can multiply quickly and cause an infection. In women, a yeast infection can happen in the vagina as a result of an imbalance in the Ph levels. Sometimes, the Ph can be affected by menstruation, by medical conditions like diabetes, or even by pregnancy. A decrease in estrogen levels can also cause yeast infections.

Many women who have never experienced yeast infections deal with them frequently after menopause because of the drop in estrogen. In these cases, yeast can multiply and an infection can occur. Taking medication can also affect the Ph balance and cause an infection. When you think about how many women are either taking medication, pregnant, or menstruating, you can understand why yeast infections are so common.

There is some good news however. The good news is that there are many types of natural remedies which can help cure a yeast infection. Yeast infections in the vagina are caused by Candida albicans, a type of fungus.

Here are some remedies:


Probiotics are naturally occurring organisms that are present in the body. These organisms can help to prevent the over-growth of yeast. In this way, they can work as a natural remedy for yeast infections. You can take probiotic supplements or vaginal suppositories.

Boric Acid

Boric acid is an antiseptic chemical that is used for a variety of purposes, including killing fungus. Studies have shown that boric acid suppositories are even more effective in killing vaginal fungal infections than ointment or oral medications.

You can find these types of suppositories at your pharmacy or health food store. In some cases, you may have to order them online. Sometimes boric acid suppositories have other ingredients which may include calendula and grape root. These ingredients are not harmful and can increase the effectiveness of the boric acid.

When using boric acid suppositories, you should carefully follow the directions for the medication. Never take boric acid by mouth and never put the acid on an open wound.

If you are pregnant, you should not use a boric acid suppository. Consult your doctor if you have any questions. If you experience any negative side effects like burning, or vaginal irritation, discontinue using the boric acid.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a type of essential oil which is used frequently for a number of applications. This essential oil is known to help treat a variety of infections, including yeast infections.

To use tea tree oil, dilute the oil slightly and then apply to the vaginal area using cotton balls. Never apply the oil without diluting it first. In addition, apply a small amount to the area in order to see if there are any side effects. Then, increase the amount of the application. If you experience any burning or irritation, discontinue using the tea tree oil.

Remember that many types of natural remedies are not approved by the FDA. Because of this, you may need to use extra caution when using these treatments. In order to be safe, make sure to follow the directions on the package carefully. If the treatments do not work, see a medical professional promptly for assistance.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yeast infection is one of the most irritating disease in women. Thanks for sharing this useful blog for curing yest infections. Also have a healthy diet & hygiene in place which will be useful to avoid such infections.
